Anthropocene, or Human young Age, is a New Designation for the TIME INTERVAL of the Major Influence of Man on the Crust of the Earth! The Combination of Man's Mass and his REARRANGEMENT of the Crustal Chemistry and Location has made a MAJOR IMPACT on this part of the Earth! This is now the New Age of a Queer-iness!
Whereas the Opposition of our Moon and the close association of Planets creates Quakes on Earth, the Sun creates Transforms oriented East-West (referenced at Mendocino, CA)- exhibiting Anomalies along the 40+ Latitude in the USA! These extend offshore Pacific to the HI-Emperor seamount Chain, and to the Atlantic- short of the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Rare E-W orientations, such as the Uinta Mountains and Long Island result! A slice at 41.39 degrees yields an average of 2.174 for the Moon/Sun Ratio of 90 degrees quadrant/Slice Latitude. The Great Salt Lake (Hole) Anomaly has a Slice through it, from this continuing Feature!
Starting at Mendocino, CA, at 40.439N Latitude, shown below:
Mendocino to Mt Lassen is the South boundary of the Subduction Zone:
Viewing the Mendocino Transform to the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain:
Mendocino TRANSFORM decreases in Latitude, going West, and Increases going East- forming an Inverse "S" (sinking, for a DEEPENING Ocean)! How about the Land Portion? It is sinking by EROSION and formation of Lakes!
Measuring 10,000 km 90 degrees East to the Equator, the MAR IS 480 km to the east:
Notice that the TRANSFORMS trace E-W, while the MAR is N-S! Distance 480
km East of Mendocino yields a Shift at Lovelock, NV:
Ranges, above trace N-S, while the Basin shifts NE-SW!
Since Veus and Earth are "Locked" in a 13/8= 1.625 Orbital relation, Earth exhibits the RATIO in the Diameters of the 2 Orbs in an Analemma (Figure 8, as in OlO sideways). The two Orbs are formed by the Moon/Sun = 2.16, approximately, and we must determine how Venus "got into the act"! Our SUN creates E-West Transforms (see Mendocino reference at 40.439N latitude), and the Moon expands our crust in a N-S direction (sort this out with the Cascades, from Mt. Lassen to Olympus, for a 7.2 degrees Latitude change= 800 km, from South to North).
A CLUE is found from the Tropics' Latitude (23.439 degrees), which is 17 degrees south of Mendocino,CA. Can Pluto, with its 17+ degrees Inclination, be in the act also? Another clue is found with Chile's 2400 km coastline- but the Compass angle is not N-S (180 degrees, but 187- according to where the linear is started). This hints at Mercury, with its 7+ degrees Inclination, altogether indicating that all of the Planets are Gravitationally influencing what Geologists call SUBDUCTION!
This analysis can start with the observation that there are NO large transforms north of Mendocino- indicating that the Division between our Sun's Influence wanes north of that Latitude. South of this, the USA Orb expands 1 mm/year (as do South America and Australia)- found by dividing the Maximum Diameter, E-W, by the years since Moon Capture (4300 million years). Involved so far, are the Tropic (Sun), N-S movement (Moon), Divider (diagonal, by Venus), and the 2 inner and outermost planets!
Measuring from MAR at the Equator: 10,000 km- the line occurs at the Sierras, where there is a 50 degrees SHIFT:
BIG PICTURE at Sierras to Pyramid Lake:
Latitude of 40N and 120W is 10,000 km from the Equator at the MAR! Geometry of the Earth helps determine the UPLIFT of the Sierras and the SINKING at the MAR (with Transforms SLICING)!
Referenced to the Prime Natural Meridian, PNM, the Lake encircles 40N 50E of PNM! Pyramid Lake is an ANOMALOUS FEATURE- having many rare components:
Separation is 480 km, which is the MOVEMENT since the MAR was initiated! 3 Continents (Australia, North and South America) have EXPANDED 1 mm/year since creation, and this is in both East and West directions- with a proportionality factor of 2.16 (13/6 approximately), and this yields 1024 million years, since the MAR has been extending the Atlantic to the West! Sierras are moving to the west, by expansion of the NA Orb. Two entities are involved:
1. The 41N Latitude TRANSFORM is dividing the NA continent across it; and,
2. The Sierras are being shoved to the west by NA Expansion!
CLOSEUP, with Anaho Island:
Digital Photo:
Reworking the 10,000 km line from MAR at Equator- North to the Basin and Range, NV:
Uncertainty, due to Equatorial Bulge, angle measurement, and personal Errors, is 131.72 km (1.3%):
LARGER VIEW, with Separation of 131 km:
Now we have to determine how the Sierras became DIAGONAL for its 800 km Length! Atlas Mtns. with 1200 km,
and Chile's 2400 km Mountains have Diagonal to somewhat diagonal ranges also (Owen Stanley in New Guinea are more Problematic!)
Uinta Mountains, from Google Earth:
Anomalous Great Salt Lake:
GLS Marker West to Playa 500 km yields 2.1583 Ratio of 90/Latitude:
Details of West Traverse to NV border:
Great Salt Lake to Mendocino, CA forms an ARC, and is a HOLE with a SLICE as shown:
Next to the Uinta Mountains, UT, at 40.761 (Kings Peak):
Lake Michigan to Erie was formed by Glaciation in the Pleistocene!
It appears that the 2.16 Ratio has influenced the Glacial Traverse to the South.
To PTr Orogeny at Altoona Pennsylvania, at 40.518N:
PTr occurred at 256 m.y. ago- due to Instabilities and Moon Librations!
To Long Island, NY, at 40.8N Latitude:
Atlantic Canyon SHIFT at 41.4N Latitude:
40N at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, MAR:
Looking at MAR at 41.4N latitude:
Above SHIFT is on the South side to the East (Reversed).
Continuing, outside of the Quadransphere, to Europe:
Above shows that there is NO CORRELATION at the 40N Latitude for Europe! stop at the MAR!
Yellowstone NP is further North, and is shown for AGE CALCULATION by LaGrange Triangle:
1.4095 m.y. are Calculated above, for the younger Lagrange Triangle, and 2.349 m.y. below, for an earlier ERUPTION (comparing Literature's 1.2 and 2.1 m.y. by Radio-dating):
November 12/2015:
Saturn and the NEW MOON (increasing to a Sliver) are now INLINE with our Sun, so that they are ATTRACTING Earth- in the Evening- Simultaneously with Jupiter, Mars, and Venus during the DAWN hours! This is a time of diminished VERTICAL Scarp formation and small TSUNAMIS, until there is an ALIGNMENT of the nearby Planets- when there will be INCREASED QUAKES again!
December 22/2015:
How BIG are BLACK HOLES? Google Earth is a "starting point" where the Scales have been noticed: micron, millimeter, Meter, Km, Megameter, on to 40,000 km- the Circumference of our Earth! So far, I have only advanced to 3: small scale (SS); Large Scale (LS); and Very Large Scale (VLS); these pertain to our Earth, the SOLAR SYSTEM, and SPACE- where the Third category is Rank Speculation! We should work out the Details of Gravitation on Earth, and proceed to our Solar System- before "Wading into the Vast UNKNOWN"!
6.8-magnitude quake hits off Solomon Islands, USGS says
Fomalhaut is a STAR, which is near the Galactic Pole, and on the Galactic Plane. When you view Fomalhaut, you are looking 90 degrees (Perpendicular) to the Plane, and out into SPACE- at other Galaxies! GP is approximately 60 degrees from our Ecliptic Plane; our Moons Libration of 28+ degrees makes its orientation to GP almost Orthogonal; this may account for our Moon having an ORTHOGONALITY to our Sun! Find Fomalhaut and Orient yourself!
Asterisms- such as the BIG DIPPER snown in the text- are Star PATTERNS (including gemstones, Triple Asterisks *, Astrolology's designations, and even Quilting stars). Caution: Constellations may include more than a single Asterism- such as Ursa Major (Great Bear) being larger than the Big Dipper! Big Dipper is seen in the sky as revolving around Polaris- the Pole Star, which is within one degree of TRUE NORTH. This is Valuable!
Measuring the Angle of Polaris above the horizon yields your Latitude, and the Pacific Islander Navigators (of which I was one) used this technique to foray North or South via a simple Coconut! Merely drill 3 holes in it- two for a horizon through the coconut missection, and one at the Latutude angle desired to reach. Looking through the midsection, with water at that level in the nut, travel until the eye is not "washed" by the water in the interior! You are then at the desired Latitude, but Longitude still must attained. That's another story, and it may be measured by use of a Masterwatch- either at Dawn or at Noon.
Our Sun is part of an Asterism, if viewed outside of the Solar System from our Galaxy; it would be called "O sole mio"- once we arrived into outer Space!
Earth Sky presents a Bulletin- showing that Saturn is now near our Moon in the evening sky, at Sunset:
Full Moon wil occur on 25th November, in the Evening, and Saturn will Not have changed its position significantly (29 year Orbit), in the next few days. Both, in the evening, are in Opposition to our Sun- causing Extension on Earth (microcracks).
Opposite sky (dawn) has 3 Planets orbiting Laterally to Earth's annual path These are near the Ecliptic Plane- being removed by their Inclination Angles, all less than that for our Moon (5.145 degrees). Lateral osrbits create SHEAR on Earth via "Slicing" adjacent to its path.
Above observations allow determination of the Time (Date) of Quakes on Earth (but Not the location), since:
1. Opposition of Planets to the Sun creates Extension, via Microcracks; this is insufficient for Earthquakes to occur- there must be Attraction;
2. Conjunction of Planets and Sun creates attraction when Moon is Full;
3. Conjunction of Planets, New Moon, and Sun creates Sinking on the opposite side of Earth (caves, sinkholes, and valleys), Vertically, and,
4. Horizontal (Lateral) movement produces Transform faults and Quakes!
Conditions will be right for minor (<7m 25="" br="" november="" on="" quakes="">
Plate Theory: A. Crust under the Pacific Subducts (dives) under the SA Landmass, at an Angle determined by its Velocity;
B. Brittle rock ruptures - producing Vertical slip (horizontal not explained);
C. Plates move generally W-East at SA; and,
D. Plates are subdivided, when the Inexplicable occurs!
We have been successful in Correlating the TIMING of Earthquakes with the Full Moon working in concert with the Close Association of Planets which are Opposite to it. That is, Planets are near the 2D position of the Sun (Conjunction), and in Opposition to the Moon. When this occured last month (October/2015), there were significant Quakes of 7.0M or more! November has the Planets dispersed away from the Sun and from each other, and it is expected that only minor quakes will occur on Nov 25/2015. This can be followed on:
Quake at Iberia Peru (10.07S 70.981W) occurred on November 24/2015, 7.6M, at 606.6 km depth!
DETAILS of Figure 8, caused by Mars:
LARGE VIEW shows the Sun's influence (Tilt to the Ecliptic is our Reference):
Kiribati, in the Line Islands, is a curious chain- presented below:
Relation to the Solomons- where many Quakes have been reported:
Full Moon produced 3 significant Quakes, during 25- 26 November/2015:
Three events near Tarauaca, Brazil establish an Average Orientation S-North, with the oldest at the south. Latest is 6.7M at 9.21S 71.26W longitude- as shown in:
These events had a depth near 600 km- which is inside the Mantle, well below the base of the Crust! This depth should exhibit Plasticity of the solids, and Not brittleness, and this is not explained by the Plate theory!
1. N-S orientations relates to the Moon, where my best case explains for the New Madrid Quake of 1811-12, that there was a "rip" to the north- starting at my Arkansas farm and proceeding in 3 "jerks" to the Mississippi River, at New Madrid town.
2. Largest quake of the 3 occurred the day before the Full Moon, and this is explained as the beginning of the Stretch of the Crust- caused by the Moon and Sun attracting in opposite directions (Opposition);
3. Work of shearing is done by the nearby Planets of Jupiter, Mars, and Venus- which are moving adjacent to the Earth's Orbital Plane;
4. "Rip" is shown by placing your hands on a piece of fabric, and Rotating them away from each other- creating a tear between the balls of the hands! "Jerk" is defined by: d{acceleration= d(velocity)/dt}/dt, and,
5. Usual PLATE THEORY explanation is shown in the comments.
Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua, has almost a 10Kkm association with Mt. Etna, Sicily:
Significant QUAKES are those bove 6.5M, in my system, and the December 7/2015 Tajikistan 7.2m is IMPORTANT!
NEW MOON occurs on 11 Dec, and this is in the ADJACENT SHEARING mode- where Movement occurs along a Transform. The PRECISE Compass Direction along the transform- continued for 10,000 km (Quarter of a turn, or 90 degrees/360) should yield a Volcano, since Lateral is ORTHOGONAL to Vertical!
Since Veus and Earth are "Locked" in a 13/8= 1.625 Orbital relation, Earth exhibits the RATIO in the Diameters of the 2 Orbs in an Analemma (Figure 8, as in OlO sideways). The two Orbs are formed by the Moon/Sun = 2.16, approximately, and we must determine how Venus "got into the act"! Our SUN creates E-West Transforms (see Mendocino reference at 40.439N latitude), and the Moon expands our crust in a N-S direction (sort this out with the Cascades, from Mt. Lassen to Olympus, for a 7.2 degrees Latitude change= 800 km, from South to North).
A CLUE is found from the Tropics' Latitude (23.439 degrees), which is 17 degrees south of Mendocino,CA. Can Pluto, with its 17+ degrees Inclination, be in the act also? Another clue is found with Chile's 2400 km coastline- but the Compass angle is not N-S (180 degrees, but 187- according to where the linear is started). This hints at Mercury, with its 7+ degrees Inclination, altogether indicating that all of the Planets are Gravitationally influencing what Geologists call SUBDUCTION!
This analysis can start with the observation that there are NO large transforms north of Mendocino- indicating that the Division between our Sun's Influence wanes north of that Latitude. South of this, the USA Orb expands 1 mm/year (as do South America and Australia)- found by dividing the Maximum Diameter, E-W, by the years since Moon Capture (4300 million years). Involved so far, are the Tropic (Sun), N-S movement (Moon), Divider (diagonal, by Venus), and the 2 inner and outermost planets!
Diagrams shown below, exhibits an excellent background for Monotoring the Solar System bodies NEARBY! Our Moon is now in a phase of a week from its being NEW (11 December/2015), where this will present Sinks (sinkholes, Valleys, and vertical landslides) in the Crust- on the opposite of the Earth- "down under+!
Meanwhile, you can Monitor the USGS website for Volcanoes:
where you will find that the Pagan and the Aleutian chain extrusions are the ones of note. Pagan is in the Marianas chain (including Guam- where I resided for 2 years), and it is NOT in the main Arc of thise from Iwo Jima to Tokyo! Assessment wil follow for the next Full Moon! will show that there is Maximum in the Quake Magnitude plot versus time (Date) at the Full Moon- indicating that the assessment of its "stretching" of the Crust (creating Microcracks) is correct, excluding Anomalous Quakes- such as the Solomon Islands of 18 November (possibly due to CME- Coronal MASS Ejections), and not followed by me! MASS is the KEY (seen 2D).
Finally, follow: for other Vertical movements- which are at a Maximum during the Full Moon!

EarthSky presents a view of the Planets in the Dawn Sky, and they are moving CCW along the Ecliptic Plane (Green line). Jupiter, with its 11.86 year Orbit, has moved about 30 degrees (360/12) from its position a month ago! Earth is moving Counter-clockwise also, so altogether Jupiter appears higher in the sky. Use the Green Imaginary line as a way of Visualizing the Ecliptic Plane- which is our primary Reference in the Solar System! The GALACTIC PLANE of Milky Way is about 60 degrees from the Ecliptic, or an Imaginary Horizontal Line, for this case!
Phobos- Mars' Largest Moon- is descending 1.8 cm/year into the Planet:
Included below are Data for Phobos, provided by NASA:
1. Synchronous with Mars, Inclination 1.1 degrees from its Orbital Plane;
2. Orbit= 7 hours, 39 minutes= .32 days; Retro to Mars- rises in West;
3. Mass= 10.6exp15 kg, 5989 km above Mars surface, has large Voids;
4. and Sink Stickney, on Long end, has 9.07 to 9.5 km Diameter, with Meridians (expansion strains) oriented away from it! Eccentricity= .015 (Ellipsoid).
Analyzing, the SINK is Not a Strike Crater, but a Gravitational Depressson- formed by attraction of the Opposite end by Mars, or by an asteroid. Meridians are formed by expansion of the orb, as it accelerates upon closer approach to Mars (faster rotation expands the centrifugal bulge)!
Comparing with Earth, the Arctic depression is shrinking, and Phobos Sink is expanding (opposite, with Earth's Moon moving away 3.8 cm/year)! Both exhibit Meridians- Earth having the Prime Natural Meridian- PNM- at 169.6W longitude, near the Diomede Islands.
You might ask: "How does the persistent mass at the Antarctic compare with the Phobos end- which is opposite to the Sink?" Answer to this is NOT SOLVED, but a possible solution is that our Moon exhibits a N-S influence- with its maximum Libration of 28+ degrees and the Galactic Plane tilt of near 60 degrees yielding an orthogonal relation, such that Antarctica is expanding (similarly to Phobos' far end)!
Antarctica is indeed Expanding, as is shown by the Spiraling of the Arc toward Tierra del Fuego; Arctic is shrinking, as seen by land encroaching North of the Arctic Circle. Our Sun does NOT directly attract above the circle, as does the Moon!
5. Usual PLATE THEORY explanation is shown in the comments.
December has the New Moon on the 11th, and the Full MOON on the 24th- when we will find Lateral to Vertical movements on Earth (Scarps to Volcanoes);
Lateral movements are Perpendicular to Vertical- such as Volcanoes and Downward descending Mantle Fluids:
Keep in mind that all this is seen in 2D, where our Moon and Jupiter are widely separated in Distance- but add their individual ATTRACTIONS, when they are aligned! Consequently, the Risks of Quakes and Volcanoes INCREASES when their influences are added!
Vertical movements are
Monitor all these as the Moon progresses from NEW to FULL!
Yesterday, there occurred a minor ashfall and eruption at Momotombo, Nicaragua at 12.422N 86.54W which will be mapped by USGS! Follow this untll the FULL MOON!
Our Moon is approaching a "lineup" with our Sun (New Moon on 11 Dec/2015), and for now- 5 Dec- it is aligned with Venus (our closest Planet Neighbor). In 2D, this means that 2 Solar Masses are Attracting Earth (called Conjunction with Earth)- creating UPLIFT while Shearing, relative to our Sun. Consequently, we are experiencing Vulcanism (Nicaragua's Momotombo and Sicily's Mt. Etna) and Shearing along Transform Faults- to a minor degree! Measurement along Google Earth for a Quarter Turn (90 degrees of 360 for the entire earth= 9/36, or 1/4) finds that these 2 volcanoes are separated by 10,000+ km, and if it were exactly 10 Kkm, this would indicate that the 2 were both Vertical and NOT Orthogonal! A small scarp 167 km from Momotombo (1.67%) indicates orthogonality exists at a straight-line portion of a River in Nicaragua (an adjacent Scarp).
These 2 volcanoes are minor- mainly ashfall and belching Fire- but this should INTENSIFY in the days ahead, to the Full Moon!
Significant QUAKES are those bove 6.5M, in my system, and the December 7/2015 Tajikistan 7.2m is IMPORTANT!
NEW MOON occurs on 11 Dec, and this is in the ADJACENT SHEARING mode- where Movement occurs along a Transform. The PRECISE Compass Direction along the transform- continued for 10,000 km (Quarter of a turn, or 90 degrees/360) should yield a Volcano, since Lateral is ORTHOGONAL to Vertical! Try this on Google Earth!
LaGrange solved the 4 Body case of HEAT GENERATION from Friction of a temporary "Lockon" of a Hilda Asteroid- by Jupiter (as other asteroids orbited normally) with an EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE! Sutter Buttes, CA shows that this ET Method can be used to Calculate the AGE of the Volcano via finding a Scarp to the West- the Direction of movement of EARTH TIDES- and measuring the Length of the Scarp, to establish the Side Measurement of the ET! {Sine 30 x Length}/Tidal Rate= Age, using Triangles (Sutter has 1.646 m.y. Age calculated by this method)!Now I find that there is a Multiple of 6 triangles in a HEXAGONAL shape- for the Association of Quakes and Volcanoes-from the Cases of Sinabung, Java Mud volcano, Ternate-Moluccan Quake, Taiwan 6.4M, Cikai-China 4.6M (Feb 7/2016), Thailand NEXT, and back to Sinabung! These are Separated by Distances near 1824 km, with a CCW pattern- with 2 at smaller spreads, and I submit this Finding for FURTHER VERIFICATION: +arkom worasiangsuk +Katrin dayak +Johm Rungswang +Monix Xa aMODEL of LaOverton HEXAGONS:
Cratons on Earth have 16,000 km Triangular side Lengths, and are almost Stationary- where EARTH TIDAL RATES are less than 1 mm/year! Hexagons of Catastrophes (quakes and Volcanoes) have 6 sides of 2,000 km- yielding 12,000 km total distance Circumscribed, with an Inflection change of 60 degrees at each Corner- surrounding a mini-Craton, such as Kalimantan (previously Borneo)! Tidal Rate will be > than 1 mm/year, and the case of Sinabung to Java Mudflow to Ternate quake to Formosa 6.4M to China 4.6M is NOT IDEAL, but Initiatory!
Show less
Sahara, Mauritania, has been surveyed by Ground-penetrating Radar- to find subsurface CHANNELS of ancient streams! Grid overlay is assumed to indicate degree Coordinates, and there are mapping boundaries- which can be ignored to find Natural FEATURES. Noticed are Linears (straight-line white entities), especialy those 2 meeting at 45 degree angles- suggesting an OCTAGONAL arrangement.
Further, the contact of the 2 has a Figure 8 surrounding the location. This arrangement is that of many now present at ANOMALIES- such as at the Hurricane Fault (Hf) at the Virgin River, separating Rising Colorado Plateau, Cp, and the Sinking Basin and Range province BaR.
Rising and Sinking of the Earth's CRUST is assumed to be Cyclical, and my calculations so far have indicated that rising is 1 mm/year or less! The Sahara region has been related to Lucy- where she lived in a WET climate (East Africa), before being covered by erosion in a Rising regime, and then Exumed by Uplift with erosion in a 2nd cycle. This indicates that the cycles are no more than 2 million years in duration. Assuming that the average height, now, is 200 meters- for the Sahara- yields .2 km/2 m.y.= tenth km/m.y.= .1 mm/year.
Vertical EARTH TIDES are much less than the Horizontal- since much more Gravitational energy is required to LIFT, compared to Lateral movement! Lateral ET are 10 mm/year or more.
Earth Tides 7.2 degrees of Latitude (800 km) CW cell is shown from Mendocino, CA (40.439N latitude) to Mt. Olympus- which is Rotating Clockwise vs. CCW for the Darrington fault north of Puget Sound (Deception Pass, Whidbey Island ). Divider is the Bitterroots- Idaho border RISE! Salt water Divider (Sink) is Juan de Fuca- where Vancouver Island is moving NE. String lakes- such as Ross Lake- are extending E-W (east of the Cascades)!
Bitterroots will have a MIRROR IMAGE in one of the Pacific TRANSFORMS- since a Rise has an accompanying Offset, west of the N-S coast!
December 17/2015, I showed a 800 km Rotation of Oregon to Washington, USA, where the Base was Mendocino, CA at 40.439N latitude. 800 km over a N-S meridian is 7.2 degrees of Latitude change, and this is the spread of the Cascades- for Mt. Lassen, CA to Mt. Olympus, done by EARTH TIDES!
Cascades and the OR WA coastline orients South to North (youngest), as the ARROWS indicate; how is this done? Moon, Sun, and Venus are the Prime Movers- for N-S, E-W, and Diagonals (Dominantly)!
Geologists trace Features via Mapped Faults, and more easily are the Fracture Lines (Linears) measured in outcrops. Orthogonal Linears are common- but are generally ignored! Erosion follows the Slices made by these tiny Laterals.
Photos show a case on a smaller scale- that of the Laverkin Canyon- on the SW side of the ZION UPLIFT, being a Creek which has followed Fractures on a 1-10 km Scale. Although part of the Colorado Plateau, Cp, there is a BIFURCATION- where 2 creeks follow 2 separate Arcuate fracture Systems! Wider Diameter indicates the Older, so that Ash Creek is Older than Laverkin! Since Ash never cuts Cp- but is Older- the Cp has moved Westward (by Earth Tides), overtaking the older feature! Age of the Spiral of Zion is younger than the 2 million year Hurricane fault- which separates Ash and Laverkin faults! One million year Basalts have been cut and separated by Hf, pinning the Ages of the movements to less than 2 m.y.
All Waves have Frequency, Magnitude, and wave Length (WL), and even Matter behaves as a wave! Chart accompanying shows the Relation. Gamma Rays are at the High end (low WL) and VLF (very low freq) even an Elephant can't hear! Yesterday: 1/5/16, the Shock of a Nuclear Blast was "picked up"! Photo is shown for an early Atomic weapon- which came from a FISSION Explosion; FUSION reactions are much more POWERFUL, and Cleaner than Fission bombs! Gamma Rays allow Identification, and USAF had "Sniffers" on Weather Planes- when the world was concerned about the Soviet Union. Now it is North Korea that is "Threatening the Peace"!

Introduction to the "NEW WEATHER PATTERNS":
Global Warming and El Niño in 2016 has brought NEW CONFLICTS! What remains that we knew before?
A. High pressure- Clear Skies have higher Density, with less water vapor; mass rotates CW- counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere;
B. LO pressure clouds can be seen to rotate CCW, low density-since H2O has 18, and Air has 29 molecular weight;
C. Jet Stream has Large Sinusoidal Cells guiding the smaller LO cells; and
D. WEATHER is "Connected" in the Quadrant-10,000 km, with that at Britain influencing the USA East Coast cells. Memorize these RULES, and
The BLUE-Tailed FLY
When I was young, I used to Wait
On my master, and bring'im his Plate-
And pass the bottle, when he got Dry;
And brush away the BLUE-TAIL FLY !
My master bought himself a Steed-
To keep himself above the Weed,
But the pony became so rather Shy-
When bothered by the Blue Tailed Fly!
One day he rode around the Farm-
The usual blue tails- they did Swarm
One chanced to bite him on the Thigh;
The devil take the Blue-tailed Fly!
The horse began to run and Pitch;
He threw my master in the Ditch-
He died, and the jury wondered Why?
The verdict was: the Blue Tailed Fly!
They buried him under a 'Simmon Tree;
His epitaph was there to See-
Beneath this stone I 'm forced to Lie!
The victim of the BLUE TAILED FLY!
The moral of this story Be:
You might be bitten by a Flea;
But that won't matter- in the by-and-Bye
When you're face to face with the Blue-tailed Fly!
The Fly is a resullt of all you do,
When livng LIFE with the ghastly Few;
Who elicit your worst, but never Die-
When under the Spell of the Blue tailed Fly!
Harold L. Overton